Toxic OFF – MX

Hello everyone! Toxic off mx me again, Francisco Jiménez. This is a publication that I recommend reading to everyone who has pets.

I have had a cat in my house for six months. When I came back from work I saw a furry miracle at the door of my house.

 He must have frozen it or lost it in a fight with the dogs.

My wife and I instantly decided to keep the cat: we fed him, bathed him, brushed him, gave him the nickname Alfredo and fell in love at first sight. In practically a week he became a well-fed and satisfied cat with life, who is not naughty, catches toy mice and loves to lie on our lap…

But we did not give Alfredo an antiparasitic treatment. To be honest, we didn’t even know it was necessary. We thought that shampoo would be enough. And we are very sorry.

My wife was the first to get sick. Suddenly, strange red plaques began to appear on her body, first on her arm and then some more on her back and stomach. She had never had allergies before, but just in case, the woman stopped eating fruits and sweets. What if the cause is in them?

The diet did not help: the plaques did not disappear. On the contrary, the plaques increased in size and the lips became covered with herpes that did not heal. And to make matters worse, my wife started reacting strangely to the food. She was hungry all the time! Seriously, I have never before seen a 50 kilo girl devour a pork knuckle in one sitting and then 10 minutes later ask for more…

And then I suffered something similar.  But I suffered from constipation: I couldn’t relieve myself for 3 or 4 days.

We already wanted to consult a doctor to understand what was happening to us. But the “diagnosis” was not long in coming. At least we didn’t have to spend a lot of money on testing.

One day Alfredo didn’t have time to reach the sand tray and relieved himself on the floor. I went to clean it and what I saw made my hair stand on end. The excrement was full of huge parasites! I warn you that it is not for the faint of heart, but I must publish it so that you will believe it.

“So that’s where the problem comes from! – I thought. – So my wife and I have caught parasites from the cat!

I didn’t know what to do, so I went to my neighbor for advice. She has 2 cats and a dog at home, she has experience in these issues.

My neighbor listened to me calmly and told me that there were no parasite problems in her family. Although when the pets were small, they sometimes also brought in parasites from the street. She contracted the infection more than once. But then she was advised this algorithm. I share it with you.

  • The cat receives deworming treatment with veterinary products every 3 months, even if it does not go outside. You can also bring parasite eggs on your shoes and infect animals. And also to yourself.
  • 2Buy Toxic OFF mx herbal capsules and take them 2 times a year for 10 days, even if you do not have parasites, to prevent. On the contrary, it is better to refrain from anthelmintic tablets from the pharmacy. Its effect is like that of a bottle of whiskey that is drunk in one gulp: no liver can resist so many poisons!
  • 3If you are confirmed to have helminthiasis (worms in your pet’s excretions), recommend Toxic OFF mx to all the people you have recently been in contact with: friends, family, etc.

At home, we ordered anthelmintics for Alfredo and Toxic OFF for us.

By the way, please note: Toxic off-mix is only sold on the manufacturer’s website.

 But that’s even better: a 100% guarantee against counterfeiting and imitation.

The product arrived quickly, without any delay. We dewormed the cat right away. We gave it a pill. The next morning, its feces were clean and parasite-free. The next tablet will be administered in 3 months.

Toxic OFF-MX


My wife and I, on the other hand, took longer to heal. The plaques on my hands only disappeared after 4 days. And on the 5th day I went to the bathroom and almost fainted from disgust.


After that, strangely, I felt much better. Over the course of two additional days, the body gradually expelled the worms. Then, the itching and hunger attacks gradually disappeared.

My wife is also recovering: the herpes and rash are gone. Her appetite has returned to normal and she no longer surprises me with generous portions.

We are no longer afraid that Alfredo will bring us some other disgusting thing from the street. With Toxic OFF mx we are so protected that we let the cat climb onto our bed and we even kiss it. By the way, in cold weather it warms better than a wool blanket.

Don’t wait for handfuls of worms to come out either. Deworm not only your pets, but also yourself. I personally made sure you do it right now as you read this text. As a blogger, I agreed with the manufacturer to get a 50% discount for my subscribers. Those who have pets will appreciate it. Taking care of pets is in itself an expensive matter. So don’t miss the opportunity to save money and protect your family from nasty parasites.

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